Contribute a Biography

I have had a couple of queries asking if 5 Minute Biographies would accept biographies written by others for either the website or the podcast. In short, the answer is yes, absolutely! Any contributions would be gratefully received and if they meet certain criteria could well find themselves being the next written biography on the website, part of one of the forthcoming seasons of podcasts, or both!

In order to meet the spirit of the site, there are certain criteria that anyone wanting to contribute should remember:

  1. The subject of the biography must not be living. This allows for a start, a middle and an end and means that we don’t have to worry too much about updating biographies, which would be a particular problem for the podcast episodes.
  2. Any biography needs to be able to be read or listened to in about five minutes. This doesn’t have to be exact of course but is something that should be aimed for. Typically this works out to somewhere between 800 and 1000 words. This can be the biggest challenge, especially for people who have led full and rewarding lives.
  3. Any biography needs to be unique content. In general, this means that when passed through, it returns nothing, with the possible exception of where a direct quote has been used.
  4. You must be the owner of the content or authorised by the owner to pass it to 5 Minute Biographies
  5. By passing a biography to 5 Minute Biographies, you are agreeing for it to be published as written material on the website or used as a script for a podcast episode or both and that 5 Minute Biographies will become the owner of the material
  6. There are no promises. Whilst I will endeavour to use as much material as I am sent, there may be reasons why particular material cannot be used.
  7. I reserve the right to alter your text in order to make it suitable for the site as well as suitable to read out for a podcast episode.

Please use the use the contact form to make initial contact about the biography that you would like to submit and I will respond with an email address that can be used to upload the biography to. Also, please let me know if you would like a link placing within the biography back to your website or other online presence such as your Twitter feed or Facebook page. If you include this information I will assume you want me to use it and link to it. If you don’t want your information published please say so.

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