For a long time now I have listened to podcasts whilst driving from place to place for my job. Invariably when I arrive at my destination I have to pause the podcast and finish listening to it on my way home.
I have always been a fan of history and of biographies and there are a number of other podcasts and websites out there that cater for my interests. However, as I mentioned above, some of these podcasts can be over an hour in length and when it comes to reading a page on a website I tend to do it in only five minute or ten minute spurts. I don’t have time to sit in front of a computer for hours reading biographies.
So, I searched around for a podcast which would provide me with short bursts of information but I couldn’t find exactly what I wanted, so I thought I may as well have a go at creating what I was looking for and 5 minute biographies was born.
Each episode of 5 Minnute Biographies will take approximately five minutes to listen to as a podcast or approximately five minutes to read on the website.
I hope you enjoy what I have put together for you and if you have any suggestions for future subjects for 5 minute biographies then please me know